"People that are more socially connected to family, to friends, to community are happier, physically healthier and live longer."
Robert Waldinger, Director do Harvard Study of Adult Development
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Dedicamo-nos à concepção de projectos de arquitectura centrados na qualidade da vida pessoal e social do cliente. Os nossos edifícios potenciam o bem estar através de ambientes que reflectem e respeitam a personalidade dos moradores.
Desenhamos espaços abertos à apropriação e personalização, estimulantes para a interacção social e baseados em princípios globais de sustentabilidade.
Focamos-nos na qualidade da vida humana nas suas vertentes física (funcionalidade), psicológica (bem estar) e social (contacto humano).
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We are dedicated to designing architectural projects that focus on the quality of the client's personal and social life. Our buildings enhance wellbeing through environments that reflect and respect the personality of the residents.
We design spaces that are open to appropriation and personalisation, stimulating social interaction and based on global principles of sustainability.
We focus on the quality of human life in its physical (functionality), psychological (well-being) and social (human contact) aspects.